KH Enterprises
Kane Hiraoka started as a small business owner in the late 1990s, but quickly rose to entrepreneurial success. As he expanded and grew into multiple industries, his finances did the same. Kane is now a prominent figurehead in the business sector of San Antonio, Texas, earning himself a generous amount of accomplishments and respect. He frequently speaks at conferences and benefits, and enjoys opportunities to give back to his community.
With a son heading into medical school and a daughter preparing for her senior year of high school, Kane has plenty of large expenses coming up to help them pay for schooling. Being in his late forties, Kane’s desires to retire early in the next 7-10 years have brought him face to face with a few obstacles.
While working to reach the top, his estate and long-term financial planning took a backseat to current wealth opportunities. What resulted were bits and pieces of scattered, unfinished plans that he needed help stringing together to form a more cohesive picture. Kane approached the professionals at 11 Financial with high hopes, and we put together a comprehensive, individually-tailored plan for him.
Note: The above case study is hypothetical and does not involve an actual 11 Financial client. No portion of the content should be construed by a client or prospective client as a guarantee that he/she will experience the same or certain level of results or satisfaction if 11 Financial is engaged to provide investment advisory services.
Our financial professionals created a succession plan for Kane in alignment with his hope to retire in the next decade.
Kane’s daughter is passionate about her father’s business, and is currently working for him. Because she will not be attending college, she plans to go full-time after graduation. We’re actively preparing for the family’s plans to have her take over in the future. Meanwhile, we put a plan together for Kane to fund his son’s medical schooling.
After retirement, Kane would love to speak around the country and teach others how to be successful on their own. We further enhanced his personal brand to aid in booking opportunities like this.
Last but not least, we worked with our partners to finalize Kane’s estate plan (wills and POAs), with special attention to the business “what if’s,” in case something were to happen to Kane or his daughter.
Kane Hiraoka started as a small business owner in the late 1990s, but quickly rose to entrepreneurial success. As he expanded and grew into multiple industries, his finances did the same. Kane is now a prominent figurehead in the business sector of San Antonio, Texas, earning himself a generous amount of accomplishments and respect. He frequently speaks at conferences and benefits, and enjoys opportunities to give back to his community.
With a son heading into medical school and a daughter preparing for her senior year of high school, Kane has plenty of large expenses coming up to help them pay for schooling. Being in his late forties, Kane’s desires to retire early in the next 7-10 years have brought him face to face with a few obstacles.
While working to reach the top, his estate and long-term financial planning took a backseat to current wealth opportunities. What resulted were bits and pieces of scattered, unfinished plans that he needed help stringing together to form a more cohesive picture. Kane approached the professionals at 11 Financial with high hopes, and we put together a comprehensive, individually-tailored plan for him.
Our financial professionals created a succession plan for Kane in alignment with his hope to retire in the next decade.
Kane’s daughter is passionate about her father’s business, and is currently working for him. Because she will not be attending college, she plans to go full-time after graduation. We’re actively preparing her for the family’s plans for her take over in the future. Meanwhile, we put a plan together for Kane to fund his son’s medical schooling.
After retirement, Kane would love to speak around the country and teach others how to be successful on their own. We further enhanced his personal brand to aid in booking opportunities like this.
Last but not least, we worked with our partners to finalize Kane’s estate plan (wills and POAs), with special attention to the business “what if’s,” in case something were to happen to Kane or his daughter.
The businesses I’ve developed over the years are important, but my son and daughter will always be my top priority. Thanks to 11 Financial, the fact that I finally have a comprehensive plan for providing the futures they deserve means the world to my wife and I.
— Kane Hiraoka
The businesses I’ve developed over the years are important, but my son and daughter will always be my top priority. Thanks to 11 Financial, the fact that I finally have a comprehensive plan for providing the futures they deserve means the world to my wife and I.
— Kane Hiraoka
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